Let’s practise how you say in Italian that you are about to do something or have just done it.

Scusa, devo chiudere la conversazione perché sto per imbarcarmi = Sorry, I have to finish the conversation because I’m about to board (the plane, the ship)

Stanno per iniziare i fuochi artificiali di mezzanotte = the midnight fireworks are about to start

Stavo per uscire quando sono arrivati i nonni a farmi visita = I was about to go out when my grandparents arrived to see me [note that it’s understood that the grandparents are yours and so you don’t need to use the possessive miei]

Qualcuno mi ha detto che stavate per prenotare un viaggio in Italia quando Marco ha avuto l’incidente = I was told that you were about to book a trip to Italy when Marco had the accident

Margherita ha appena finito i compiti allora può uscire a giocare con te = Margherita has just finished her homework so she can go out and play with you [note two things: you don’t need the possessive suoi before compiti because it’s understood that she’s doing her homework; and note the use of the word appena meaning “just” in English. If you use the similar word già it would be wrong because it means already]

Mi ero appena cambiata per andare alla festa di compleanno quando mi hanno telefonato per dirmi che era stata cancellata = I had just changed to go to the birthday party when I got a call to say it had been cancelled [note that cambiarsi (to change clothes) is a reflexive verb like lavarsi, alzarsi, addormentarsi, vestirsi (to wash, get up, fall asleep, get dressed) ie actions you do to yourself. They require the auxiliary essere]

Sono stati davvero fortunati: erano appena usciti dal cinema quando è crollato il tetto = they were really lucky:  they had just left the theatre when the roof collapsed.

Yvette Devlin